Windows 10 version , May Update: 10 Best new features - Pureinfotech - Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10

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Windows 10 1903 features list free. Windows 10: A guide to the updates 



Windows 10 1903 features list free. What's new in Windows 10, version 1903 for IT Pros


Worst of all Windows I used more than two weeks. My interest is to get the system running fast apps I want, not to be bugged by the bloatware MS installs. To get that I need to turn as many Windows 10 services as I can, including the monstrous Windows Update.

I think I have found a security problem in Windows 10 which I would like to report or ask Microsoft. If I start the installable or portable version of LameXP, a day later I find that LameXP has managed to set itself as the preference program for audio playing and video playing Default Programs. I did not set this myself. So the author of LameXP has succeeded in preventing Windows 10 to change the Default Programs settings, against the will of the user. So I think this is a hack of Windows More like a PEBKAC, similar to users installing malware-ridden programs from untrusted websites or downloading virus-infected pirated stuffs from torrents.

Looks like a more meaningful update, at least in comparison with certain previous ones. More under the hood stuff, less fluffy eye-candy. However: if they restrict and mess with the feature update delaying options, it is going to be problem. A rather big one, I suspect. You can play with fire only a certain amount of times.

Releasing buggy updates is one thing, forcing them onto users is like telling them to switch OS. A funner idea would be to go back to Win 3. In relation to the subscription idea I think we will see it and we will be going back to the dumb terminal hosting idea see chromebooks as this would save them money and time from pushing out updates to the users, though it would impact the storage industry.

A Cellphone has GPS so they can track your location better. A couple of things I do like in the update is the RAW picture support and more ability to remove system apps. So I reloaded the Image I had and everything was fine again.

Then I upgraded again to and the problem came back. The driver version was the same original Ericsson driver. Then I deselected it, just to see — and I could never turn it back on. So obviously, something has been done behind the scene with how WIndows manages connections. Only now in things began to go bananas. I like it when it was one list is there a way to change it back?

This is new in Windows and is ticked by default out of the box on Dell PCs. When this is ticked it causes some apps to fail. Only an Administrator can do this and a re-boot is needed to complete the change. My desktop is on Ethernet and my laptop is on wi-fi. My ISP is Spectrum. The Windows Speedtest app says I am in El Paso and it displays to me a list of servers that are mostly in Arizona, Mexico, and otherwise in the southwest of the U.

There appears to be no way in the app to tell the app that I am near Austin, TX. It auto-selects for me a server in Juarez.

This is a new problem. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app. No joy. Emails to Ookla Speedtest have not been answered. No clue how to fix this.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please click on the following link to open the newsletter signup page: Ghacks Newsletter Sign up. Do not refresh the page or select back, doing so will cancel the request. Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows Details Windows 10 N editions include the same functionality as Windows 10, except that these versions of Windows do not include Windows Media Player, and related technologies.

When the recovery partition does not have enough free space the backup fails with error 0x Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.

Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question 0. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Hi, Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums. Microsoft wants to ensure that system operations such as installing updates do not fail due to a lack of disk space. This reduces the capacity available to the user. On low-performance office PCs with small SSDs, the increased hardware requirements could be a problem. The most important new feature is the Windows Sandbox.

It is a contained environment from which no access to the host system is possible. In the Sandbox, IT professionals can perform tasks they should not do directly on an admin workstation, such as browsing the web. Technically, it is a preconfigured lightweight virtual machine that does not require an explicit Hyper-V installation. It shares OS binaries with the host, so no separate patching is required.

The Sandbox starts each time with a pristine Windows The Sandbox discards all data and applications it contains upon exit. To save user files, you can create your own transfer directories and copy the data there before closing the Sandbox. When needed, you can install applications automatically with the help of a startup script. For both cases, you have to provide a configuration file.

Windows 10 will not deliver any substantial innovations yet to the integrated Web browser. Edge in its current form is a phase-out model, and the transition from Microsoft's own rendering engine to Chromium is on the way. Preliminary versions of Edge Chromium appear in three channels. The Chromium-based Edge recently appeared as a public preview and still lacks many functions for use in organizations.

These include the support for group policies. However, a first official release could find its way into Windows 10 Edge is still the only browser that Microsoft supports with Application Guard. It is a similar feature to the Sandbox but is limited to the shielded use of a web browser. Chrome extension for Windows Defender Application Guard. Microsoft recently released extensions for Chrome and Firefox. They pass URLs for external websites specified by the admin to Edge in the Sandbox, while internal pages, for example, continue to display in the default browser.

As with every Windows 10 release, will add additional settings for group policies. These essentially do not apply to new features but only to existing ones. In addition, there is the abovementioned option for forcing a restart to install updates plus a setting to deactivate security questions in the event that users have forgotten their passwords.

The security baseline is a collection of GPO settings Microsoft recommends to secure Windows servers and workstations. By using the Group Policy Analyzer, you can compare them with a backup of the policies currently in use.

You can also import them when needed via Group Policy Management to secure the systems. Currently, the baseline is still available as a preview, but it has already brought about controversial discussions.

The reason for this is the removal of the password expiration policy, which forces users to change passwords regularly.

According to Microsoft, the disadvantages associated with the regular change of passwords slightly modified variants of the same password, forgetting the new password and calling the helpdesk outweigh the additional security.

Instead, companies should rely on multi-factor authentication or exclude trivial passwords using blacklists. Of course, banning the expiration date for passwords from the baseline does not mean that the respective settings will disappear from group policies. Rather, it is just an update of the best practices.


What's new in Windows 10, version - What's new in Windows | Microsoft Docs.


The new version of Windows 10 will be offered as a direct download and via Windows Update. Users need to actively seek for the update using Windows Update in the beginning, and it is only offered to certain computer configurations at first that Microsoft considers optimal.

Insider Preview builds give us a clear picture of the changes and feature additions in the new Windows 10 feature update release.

It will also be interesting to see if Microsoft manages to release a build that is more stable and less bug-ridden than the last feature update release Windows 10 version Microsoft had to pull the release shortly after release.

The new version of Windows introduces a new storage concept called Reserved Storage. It reserves a certain amount of storage for the operating system for use by Windows updates, applications, temporary files and system caches.

Reserved storage used about 7 Gigabytes of space on a test system with a Gigabyte hard drive. Windows users may notice a drop in free storage space thanks to reserved storage. Microsoft plans to turn on the feature only for new installations and for pre-installed systems.

It is possible to enable Reserved Storage on systems that get upgraded to Windows 10 version , however. Windows 10 version features Storage improvements. Windows may display how much storage you may free up by cleaning temporary files or by removing applications or features.

Windows Sandbox is a new security feature that Microsoft plans to introduce in Windows 10 version It works similarly to third-party sandboxing solutions and uses Microsoft Hypervisor and hardware virtualization at its core. The sandbox requires Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise. You may use it to run any executable file to block it from interacting with the underlying operating system. In other words: what happens in Windows Sandbox stays in Windows Sandbox.

Sandbox was launched with a basic set of features but has been improved in recent Insider builds. One new feature that Microsoft added was support for configuration files to control certain Sandbox features.

Microsoft revealed in that it would change the updating system used by the company's Windows 10 operating system fundamentally. The company changes when and how feature updates are downloaded and installed on compatible devices with the release of the May Update.

Previously, when you selected "check for updates" on the Windows Updates Settings page, you'd get any available update including beta updates or feature updates. Feature updates are listed separately according to Microsoft going forward, and the installation of those is no longer enforced. Other update related improvements include dynamic Active Hours that changes the time period without forced restarts based on usage, and options to pause updates even on Windows 10 Home systems.

Have they removed or modified the options to defer feature updates upto days and quality updates uo to 30 days that pro users currently have? Are you sure about the 90 days.? I have a feeling that the sign in option passwordless sign in via mobile phone would become mandatory.

For starters how in the hell would I be able to log in to my computer without a smartphone? Let alone being able to create a windows account without a damn device. Personally I would still use a password and a pin to log into my computer, long as I am able.

If Microsoft decides to make it mandatory, then I am out of luck. Going passwordless would leave some of us out out in the cold and locked out of our damn computers. Most online companies are starting to use premium sms text. Granted that Microsoft probably have other things covered, such as bio-metrics, pin number. But the downsides of using your phone as a main authentification method for a PC would still remain.

Win 10 will become Win , ala Office ? After Jan , it seems that Microsoft will go with a subscription model. I have no urge to upgrade from windows 8. Microsoft should be concentrating on fixing the OS and release upgrades every two years, less chance of bricking laptops and desktop computers.

Rather than dumping upgrades every 6 months. Microsoft will milk money from windows 7 users. Windows 7 and 8. No way Windows will be making passwordless mandatory. By the time they do that, companies will be dropping off Windows hard. The idea is not stupid either, Steam, Google, your local banks, and other services have already been doing this long before Windows. A bit nitpicky, why are you separating smartphones from iPhones?

Are iPhones not smartphones? The worst is how insecure the method is — reasonably determined attackers can intercept SMS messages for a given number for a limited time period, ensuring that they get the code, not you. People still rely on landline and VOIP phones. Even a two hundred dollar mobile device is a luxury item, and accidents are costly. People live check by check, and Major carriers squeeze their customers with hidden fees.

The idea of everyone carrying mobile phone is stupid. And no two prepaid mobile network carriers are alike. For example. I had to set my mobile to receive verification code via voice messages from my bank before doing online business.

Windows 10 — the operatingsystem that is the easiest one to hack — from online…. New first-party extensions for Timeline? Where was this confirmed? It is called Web Activities, only available for Chrome. It all seems rather pointless. Can we have an only do updates older than 6 months old feature? Worst of all Windows I used more than two weeks. My interest is to get the system running fast apps I want, not to be bugged by the bloatware MS installs.

To get that I need to turn as many Windows 10 services as I can, including the monstrous Windows Update. I think I have found a security problem in Windows 10 which I would like to report or ask Microsoft. If I start the installable or portable version of LameXP, a day later I find that LameXP has managed to set itself as the preference program for audio playing and video playing Default Programs.

I did not set this myself. So the author of LameXP has succeeded in preventing Windows 10 to change the Default Programs settings, against the will of the user. So I think this is a hack of Windows More like a PEBKAC, similar to users installing malware-ridden programs from untrusted websites or downloading virus-infected pirated stuffs from torrents.

Looks like a more meaningful update, at least in comparison with certain previous ones. More under the hood stuff, less fluffy eye-candy. However: if they restrict and mess with the feature update delaying options, it is going to be problem. A rather big one, I suspect. You can play with fire only a certain amount of times. Releasing buggy updates is one thing, forcing them onto users is like telling them to switch OS. A funner idea would be to go back to Win 3.

In relation to the subscription idea I think we will see it and we will be going back to the dumb terminal hosting idea see chromebooks as this would save them money and time from pushing out updates to the users, though it would impact the storage industry.

A Cellphone has GPS so they can track your location better. A couple of things I do like in the update is the RAW picture support and more ability to remove system apps. So I reloaded the Image I had and everything was fine again. Then I upgraded again to and the problem came back.

The driver version was the same original Ericsson driver. Then I deselected it, just to see — and I could never turn it back on. So obviously, something has been done behind the scene with how WIndows manages connections.

Only now in things began to go bananas. I like it when it was one list is there a way to change it back? This is new in Windows and is ticked by default out of the box on Dell PCs.

When this is ticked it causes some apps to fail. Only an Administrator can do this and a re-boot is needed to complete the change.

My desktop is on Ethernet and my laptop is on wi-fi. My ISP is Spectrum. The Windows Speedtest app says I am in El Paso and it displays to me a list of servers that are mostly in Arizona, Mexico, and otherwise in the southwest of the U. There appears to be no way in the app to tell the app that I am near Austin, TX. It auto-selects for me a server in Juarez. This is a new problem. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app.

No joy.


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